Tuesday 5 May 2015

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Aria and Peregrine. Need I say more? Well yes of course I haven't been able to stop verbal diarrhea since my thirteenth year.
Aria is a dweller, dwellers live in mountain type things really. They have not been outside since the Aether storms started. They have these eye patches that are their world. Realms (this is cool) (well to a certain extent) and well basically crap immune systems.
Soren can hack anything. Even the dwellers systems. He take Aria and her friend along with his two friends to a shutdown pod that ain't protected. All hell breaks loose. Soren goes crazy, I mean CRAZY crazy spreads a fire. Everyone's trapped.

Perry (Peregrine) The Outsider with gifts (people who have been left the fend for themselves in the storms, some have amazing talents e.g see for miles, hears for miles, feel everything someone feels.) happens to be in the shutdown pod (YAAAAY!) looking for medicine for his sick nephew. *AWR* He see what is happening and even though he hates dwellers he helps Aria get away and punches Soren in the mean time HELL YERH! Then leaves as fast as he can.
The friends die *single tear* Soren is still alive psycho Soren, and (most certainly) Aria (otherwise she would be a zombie).
Aria then gets dumped because Soren's Boss man daddy can't look bad. Dumped literally into the Aether Storm. *ARGH*
So on, so on, so on, Perry and Aria meet again. She's looking for her mother. He's looking for his Nephew who has been kidnapped by the dwellers. *Yells*
Dwellers and Outsiders are disgusted by each other, which I thought was really good to watch unravel, as they obviously fall in love although he is technically meant to marry someone with his gifts to make gene stronger.
This book is interesting from start to finish. Not one part bored me. The plot never lost it's gloriousness even in the next books which I read one after another *shocker*
Roar (perry's best friend) I can't believe how much this character grew on me. There was never a moment throughout this trilogy that I found his character unreal or the slightest bit dull.
A lot of it is in wild conditions (woods, hunting, being hunted) you know the usual. I must seem to like books like this, every time i read a book where they have to survive just pleases the life out of me.
The get hunted by cannibals, chased by the storm, they meet a boy who can use the Aether (I felt sorry for him all the way through *sad face*) Over all it really brings out the animal in you 'haha'
I would really love to write the whole book out and I just seem to stop myself luckily for you lot.
But really I don't know how many times i'm going to say this but..... Just read the damn book already!!!!

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