Saturday 23 May 2015

Asylum by Madeleine Roux

Age at the back 13+, just thought I would get it out there. I've seen a lot of bad reviews for this, but like I said 13+. People need to remember the age!
Now my thirteen year old self would have had the hairs up on the back of her neck. She would of kept peeking up the dark passage (while reading by touch light, with the bedroom door open)
As it is, my twenty three year old self disagrees. Never mind that though, because over all I can see where she was going with this.
Basically Dan crawford goes to a summer programme at a college/old asylum.
Where he meets two friends (he's never had friends before) Abby and Jordan (who each have their own fair share of trouble) together they explore the old asylum wings that are off limits (imagine the things you could do with this?) but no they just find horrible old photo's of patients (the worst being a little girl, who has obviously had a lobotomy)
Obviously they find things out.... Abby's aunt was the little girl who was in the asylum, Dan's name is the name of the warden who run the place (doing all sorts of operations and experiments) and Jordan well he's Jordan (he's gay, his mum and dad think they have sent him to some - make my son not gay camp- but instead he's here and spends the whole time not wanting to get kicked out)....
Plus they find out it was a criminal asylum (everyone there was mentally unstable killers (apart from Abby's young aunt.) Dan finds himself drawn to the sculptor (a serial killer who used to place his victims in poses) (dun, dun, dunnnnn) he is also getting threatening letters (by whom, he don't know)
Then come the memory gaps and the killings and along with that, police everywhere *drumroll* (this is where it's meant to kick in (you know, get going, get really brilliant and masterful) it's a shame it don't to the degree I would be freaked out (Asylums spook the life out of me, just not how this is written)...
This book as a whole has the right ideas, for a thirteen year old (perfect), for anyone else though i'd say no. I'm actually thinking of getting the next book just to see how she wraps it up (because an unfinished story bugs me *eye roll*)
So my thoughts,....if you are indeed 13 this book is for you (just the right amount of creep) hell you might even enjoy it as an easy reading book at 15-16 but for anyone reading the likes of the hobbit and so on, then nope don't even bother..... Then again who am I to decide for you. The cover is freaky (never judge a book on it's cover, learnt my lesson here.) I didn't exactly regret wasting time, so that's a plus! Just remember 13+ and all should be fine....

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