Saturday 16 May 2015

The Curse Keepers by Denise Grover Swank

I really, really, really enjoyed this book (like really) I can not stress how much I was into it. I bought the next one before I'd even finished reading it. Ellie Dare Lancaster works in a diner. A hottie comes in who she instantly knows is trouble. He is going to touch her and she knows by her breathing she shouldn't let him.
In short there is a curse. Not on Ellie. Each member of her family will know the curse. Her father passed it down to her. They are the curse keepers. There is another family who are the second. There are only two curse keepers. One from each family. When the two meet and touch the curse is lifted, the gates to hell open and with it and well work that out for yourself.....

Yep you got it the hottie (Collin Dailey) was the other (Manteo's keeper) and Ellie (Dare's keeper) denies the curse even exists. This causes arguments obviously.
The whole history written in this novel was exciting. It's sort of a native american thing. With demons and gods and spirits. BRILLIANT.
When Ellie's friends and people she knows start showing up dead she can no longer hide.
They each had an item that would be helpful passed down along the line. Ellie sold her's. Collin put his in a museum. They now must together go on a road trip to get the items back while more and more spirits are let loose. There is no way to do this book justice. I loved every second of it.
Ellie is the sea Collin is the land, when they put their hands together they become one and feel the life around them. I would break the curse just for that alone. Ellie and Collin are a pair made in heaven. I could of read about them forever but as all stories go collin betrays her. GOD DAMN IT!!! I can get her need to be pissed but in the second book she gets with another guy *SIGH* *DOUBLE SIGH* when what collin done weren't unforgivable (I wouldn't say) and that was it for me. The other guy got on my nerves and the story started to dwindle towards boring...... So basically I've liked just this book in the series.
The history feeling alone is good enough, the romance makes it scorching, the gates to hell opening makes it fantasy, the killings make it action and Collin makes it AMAZING! Read if you dare (excuse the pun)
WARNING: If you love Collin be ready to get depressed in the next two......

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